Thank you for this seminal analysis !!

We have a two right-wing parties monopoly financed and ruled by same donors and -- playing us like a violin. Lose all hope you who still try to idealize Biden administration – see below.

“The Rrrrussians come again.” - Pre-summit nonsense. Patrick Lawrence June 1

“The Rrrrussians come again.” - The Scrum (substack.com)

The Russia-gate hoax and impeachment “entertainments” were concocted by Obama/Hillary/Biden/Pelosi, Schumer, etc. and their intelligence and DNC executives on behalf of their Wall Street and military industry donors. That lying team is now back in full power -- even Kamala Harris (and her sister) is Hillary's protégé.

Remember, Clapper, Brennan & Hayden trio were among former Obama 50 intelligence officials stating that Hunter-laptop is classical “Russian disinformation”.

- They were also key promoters of the three-year Russia-gate hoax.

- They were also key intelligence executives in Obama/Biden/Hillary government – the government which hunted Snowden (forcing Bolivian plane with Bolivia’s president to land to search it) and armed Al Qaeda (including “white helmets” hoax) and staged all chemical attacks in Syria to remove its government.

When asked about Hunter's laptops Pelosi stated "All roads lead to Putin"; commenting on Capitol invasion Schumer said - "worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11"...

And -- Assange must be silenced -- all the corrupt and lying players agree. Deranged Trump was too incompetent to realize how important was pardoning Assange now that the full old lying team is in power again -- instead he pardoned Black Water criminals who massacred Iraqis in Bagdad’s Nisour square.

We are now ruled by the War party --- lose all hope you who still try to idealize Biden administration

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