CW is a man of integrity unlike genocide Joe who has no integrity at all. Just look at the millions of dollars that Israel lobby groups have funnelled his way to understand where his priorities lay.


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Joe Biden is not only a genocide denier, he is a genocide enabler. He is complicit. Joe Biden must be charged with war crimes. Who the hell is Joe Biden to play God and decide who lives and who dies? The dead don't have a voice. We must scream for them.

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If Cornel were truly committed to saving America and doing the right thing, he would call for the ICC to arrest Genocide Joe Biden along with Netanyahu. Heck, throw in Antony Blinken the Butcher, Matt Miller, and John Kirby.

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The major media narrative continues the rhetoric that Biden "condemns" Israel's mass slaughter (he refers to it as some neutral term but what people with eyes & ears know to be true, genocide) & that talk serves the momentary purpose while he continues to ship the weapons to Israel to support their ruthless, genocidal war crimes. Dr. West is correct, however all the past U.S. war criminals walk away as free as can be, immune of the confines they impose upon other leaders for lesser crimes. The U.S. refers to a variety of "groups" from abroad as militants, terrorists etc. yet I'm not sure what criteria is required for such a label. Certainly, others don't view the U.S. as friendly occupiers, as they leave pats of death& destruction. Biden has sunk the U S reputation to a new low, not sure the American reputation can be tarnished any further at this point.

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